SPL G1.2600D

Sound Booster, Car Price

Automobile power generation is the main element of the audible system, with power, volume and sound force. The principle of work is to obtain a low signal from the source, to increase it and to transmit it to the dynamics.

The classification shall be as follows:

  • Class A is low-performance because the signal is low, but the signal is high purity.
  • Class B is twice as effective as Class A, but there is a strong distortion of the output signal.
  • Class C is effective, but the level of distortion is also high. Not suitable for Hi-Fi Audio systems.
  • Class AV is a purity of Class A signal and Class B efficiency. Almost all Hi-Fi Audiosystems use it Power class
  • Class D is the most modern type. Uses digital signal processing. Another plus is small size.

The channels are divided by:

  • Two-channel - used to connect two columns or one sabovere, by bridge connection. For a saboteur, a fixed low-chastot filter shall be required.
  • The four-channel are the most universal and simple in connection. Typically, there are two channels to connect the columns and two to the saboophers.
  • Plural is a four-channel force plus one specially assigned to the sabvuffer channel.
  • Sixtieth and more enable a huge and complex sound system.
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