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Acoustic Bose System

bose-soundlink-mini-vs-fake-pic-1In the coming days, columns will be selected to compare internal components. Stay tuned!

If you save on matches, you'll lose a lot of joy in life. The present version of the column from Bose has been the opening of a year for our entire drafting, and we have decided to learn that we will lose amateurs of halava when buying a “clone” from Podnesbes. We have a Chinese copy of SoundLink Mini, widely distributed in the country ' s stores.

Her buyers lose everything. How not to be one of them?

Bose SoundLink Mini struck all the editing to the depths of the soul, the quality of the sound is unnatural dignity for such a portable acoustic. In the small column, there is a complex dynamic system with not only bright high frequencies, but also detailed averages, but the most important is a striking strike with a strong impact and a curved soul with low frequencies. This thing needs to be heard alive, and you won't believe your ears.

They say today the talents of Chinese masters have grown significantly together with the quality of their business. Not true. By comparing the original and faecal SoundLink Mini, we found nothing to justify the purchase of a cheap clone. The possession of this subject is a real stigmatization as " left " Beats on the neck or an iPhone on OS Android in the pocket.

In the original version, a number of buttons are hardly above the shell.

In fact, the manufacturer can be proud that his column is so hot in China. The glory about the amazing sound of Bose SoundLink Mini is flying through the barefanic radio very quickly, instantly transforming others into potential buyers after listening to any favourite track. So Uncle Liao and his loyal slaves came to a case of uncommon forgiveness. For a man on the side, the clone repeats the original in everything, simulating even. weight metal hull. But in the real SoundLink Mini, this is due to a unique acoustic design.

It looks like a brick was blank in the clon.

Wishing to buy an expensive thing for the cops ruined tens of millions of wallets. Visual similarities between the two devices are most often the main reason for the " negligents " to buy the " clon " . A fake in this case distinguishes a lot of small parts, and knowing them, you'll never buy it by mistake.

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