Складной усилитель звука для

How Do You Make A Phone Plug

Усилитель для сотовой связи своими рукамиDo you need to buy a gadget when there is room for a device collected from hand-held equipment?

Those who have at least initial knowledge of cellular communication will be able to handle themselves. To this end, a tool and tool, as well as a device scheme, are required.

And you can collect the simplest cellular vigilance by yourself. That will be the case below.


Antennas to enhance cellular communication

They are one of the simplest devices to achieve a qualitative signal on any site.

There are two major groups of antenna:

  1. External;
  2. Internal.

Внешняя выносная антенаThe former are usually installed on the roof of the building and are capable of covering large areas. The antenna signal from the base station transmits the cable to the silenor. This ensures good quality of communication even in areas where it was previously impossible.

What elements are the system of the signal

It is possible to provide reliable communication in difficult locations for radio signals, but it will require special equipment. The various devices assembled in a single system make it possible to achieve the high quality of the signal and to forget it suddenly. It's often called a cellular force. However, it is in fact a complex consisting of the following elements:

  • Recharger or bilateral vigilator, which is the intermediate base;
  • External and internal antennas that capture the signal of the station and distribute it in the room;
  • Power or wire dispenser;
  • N-dimensional;
  • Coaxial cables resistance 50 Om.
Схема усилителя сигнала сотовой связи Этапы изготовления своими руками
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